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Showing posts from February, 2020

Robot Chassis

Robot Chassis Below is an image of my finished robot chassis (a proper blog-post will follow shortly): (This is also the image that will be in the actual program)

Gripper Test!

Gripper Test Below is a quick video of a test for my Pi Wars 2020 gripper. In this video, I use a 6 channel digital servo tester as well as an inexpensive robot gripper I found on Robot Shop. I also tested out a vacuum-based gripper system (which I created using a syringe) however this was not as practical. Anyway, this is a video of a test of my gripper, enjoy!

Power Source (finally solved!)

Power Source Previously I had been using AA alkaline batteries, yet after asking around on a few forums, I realised that this was a terrible idea. The problem was that I had lots of 8 * AA battery holders, yet if I were to use the normal rechargeable batteries (which are 1.2V), it would not be enough to power both my pi and my motor controller. Instead, I found out about these new type of batteries produced by a brand named KENTLI. Below is a picture of the product:   Unlike other rechargeables, these actually are 1.5V. Hence I bought 8 of these and now the problem is solved!

Mini Update!

Mini Update: My chassis has been fully assembled but the wiring has led to some minor complications that must be sorted out before I can continue. I am using code from both PiBorg and from Github as inspiration for my own code. I will use a ps4 remote and will use the same controls used in normal online games. Another thing that I learnt is that having an organized wiring system is far more important than I had previously thought (because otherwise, it turns into a large nest of random wires!). I will send a proper update soon, but until then I think this is a good summary of my work so far.