Blog 2
The motors and the wheels have shipped, however, there is a big problem. The current width of our robot is 300mm but it has to be at a maximum of 225mm as stated in the rules of the competition. Possible ways of adjustments could include, but are not limited to, getting smaller motors, getting smaller wheels, removing gearbox off the motor (but I would rather not do this) or make a slightly complicated gear system that was recommended to me by a friend. The current motors I have run at about 450 rpm and have a lot of torque, so I like them a lot and would prefer not to change them. The wheels are also great and have a large amount of grip, perfect for the obstacle course.
An image of my motors and wheels
Some basic code has already been written and has been tested. I am using the L298n dual H-bridge DC stepper motor controller as my motor controller right now during this 'test' stage of my robot.
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